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Below are brief descriptions of the courses I completed as part of the 

Master of Arts in Education (MAED) program at Michigan State University.


ED: Education

TE: Teacher Education

CEP: Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education

Fall 2016

Reflect & Inquiry
Teaching Practice I

I took this course in the beginning of my year long internship program. It focused around literacy instruction and took us through the experience of assessing and understanding students literacy levels and planning small group and whole class instruction based around their strengths and areas still needing more growth. In this course I was able to plan an entire personal narrative writing unit and then implement it in the classroom with my students. This was a huge learning experience and great time to reflect and make changes to my individual lessons and the unit overall as I learned what worked well and what I could still improve to help students continue being successful.

Dr. Patricia Edwards & Marliese Peltier

Spring 2017

This course focused on creating relationships with students, as well as creating hands-on, involved learning in the area of social studies. Throughout the semester I learned how to take a large unit such as European Explorers and make the concept more realistic and meaningful to students to help them grasp knowledge through their own discoveries. One piece that I created was a unit kick-off that had students on an exploration of the school using maps and directions that were somewhat abstract as our early explorers did not have specific directions or the technologies we use today. There were also obstacles the students faced and ran into that correlated to hardships the early explorers may have encountered as well. This lesson had students thinking and realizing for themselves what it may have been like for those traveling to America in the early days in a way that was at their comprehensive level and fun and exciting for them as well. 

Prof Roles & Teaching Practice II
Molly Pierce
Reflect & Inquiry
Teaching Practice II

TE 804

This course was also taken during my internship year of teaching and the focus of the course was science content and instruction.  The major assignment in this course involved choosing a science topic and building a unit centered around that topic to teach to our students. This was done by using the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) By using these standards, we were able to shape a unit around real-life ideas and create a hands-on learning experience for students. For this lesson unit in particular students were to design a robot that could detect different colors that represented hazardous material that needed to be removed from a city where a natural disaster had occured.

Andrea Virricchione

Summer 2020

In this course, we explored what an online course should include, the Learning Management Systems available, and what how to design an online unit. We explored UDL (Universal Design for Learning) and used the principles of UDL to make improvements to our lessons that would help them fit the needs of all learners. I was able to learn and create an online classroom and familiarize myself with many different online resources as well as how to use them to not only engage students but how to use them to have students collaborate with one another in an online environment. This helped me immensely to prepare for screen to screen learning this year with students and families.

Teaching Students Online

CEP 820

Dr. Anne Heintz & Dr. Elizabeth Boltz
Accommodating   Differences in Literacy Learners

TE 846

The goal of this course was to explore the qualities of effective literacy instruction for all learners.  The course readings provided us with research and a variety of studied practices that have been used to aid in literacy instruction.  We were then asked to take our learning and apply it to a literacy case study with one student in person and as well as a digital student that was a dual language learner. This project made up the bulk of the course and required us to assess our students, create literacy lessons to their specific needs, witness how these lessons benefited our students and reflect upon our implementation for how to improve our created lessons, as well as what the next steps for our students would be.

Christina Ponzio

In TE 848, I learned how to better teach and assess writing by composing and revising my own writing. I was able to create and improve a personal narrative of my own and reach outside my comfort zone and start composing the first few chapters of a youth novel that I fell in love with. This course focused on providing students with authentic and meaningful writing opportunities. I explored how writing varies for each student, and providing students feedback on their content rather than mechanics will help them to become better writers. The lessons I learned throughout this course are ones that I found truly valuable as they helped me find the fun and enjoyment in writing again, which is something I can implement and provide to my students. 

Writing Assessment
& Instruction

TE 848

Dr. Janine Certo

Fall 2020

In this course, I studied the various aspects of teaching and assessing students' reading abilities. I strengthened my ability to assess a student who is struggling with reading, create lesson plans and interventions based on the data, and provide accurate instruction that will benefit the student. I analyzed student data on phonics, vocabulary, spelling, and fluency in order to create an intervention plan to help the student's reading scores. Overall, this course taught me to analyze student reading data and create data-based instruction.

Elementary Reading Assessment & Instruction

TE 842

Dr. Laura Tortorelli

ED 800

This course was focused on the concepts of inquiry in education, addressing problems of theory and practice in teaching and learning, administration, and leadership. Philosophical, psychological, biological, historical, biographical, ethnographic concepts of educational inquiry considered methodologically. In this course I was able to look back and study the historical context of inquiry and its transformation over the years. I was able to critically look at the many different definitions and draw my own conclusion of what inquiry in education is to me.

Dr. Steven Weiland

Spring 2021

In this course, I learned the importance of including technology in a classroom. I learned about various programs and websites that will enhance my teaching through the use of technology. One of my projects included creating a vlog that can be used in my classroom for students to learn new content, review material or use as another resource. This course also helped in the process of creating engaging and effective slides for students by allowing us to engage in slide makeovers.  Overall, this course taught me how to include technology in my teaching and why it is beneficial.

Teaching School Subjects with Technology

TE 831

Dr.Doug Hartman

ED 870

My final course in the MAED program, the Capstone Seminar was my opportunity to reflect on my master’s program as a whole. In creating my online portfolio, I was able to reassess my goals as a professional at the end of the program. Additionally, by compiling the work I have done at Michigan State into one resource, I have created a useful, professional tool to share with future employers which demonstrates the growth and change I have undergone during my year and a half in my program. It is the culmination of plenty of sleepless nights, as well as many triumphs and successes.

Dr. Matthew Koehler & Aric Gaunt
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